Sunday, October 17, 2010

Arrived and Alive!

To the amusement of my awesome fellow trainees, I've been journaling on my computer like crazy. Just let me edit it and it'll be up here in a day or three for your viewing pleasure.  Time is becoming short with classes from 8-6 daily!


  1. Hi Jess! I miss you very much! Thinking of you!

  2. Hi Jess-mom is going to write a note to you here from my account... :)

    Hi Jess! I am so proud of you and hope you are doing well. You remain in our thoughts every day and life is just not the same without you here! Dyann Sechi

  3. Hi Jess
    Fantastic stuff I hope you are having an eye-opening time.
    Sam and I will be reading your blog and we're very jealous and really proud of you.
    We're off to Melbourne w/c Nov. 22 and that's when our adventure starts.
    Look after yourself and if you fancy exploring Aussie on your way back we'd love to see you.
    Our love, Mike, Sam + Fraser
