Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Malaria Sensibilization

April 5th

Crazy to think that my birthday is coming up – doesn't really feel like it. As Sunyata pointed out – a lot has happened in my 23rd year! With many more things to come for year 24, I have no doubt.

Not much to say about today. Finally did our first malaria sensibilization! It didn't go off quite as smoothly as I'd hoped, but it was ok and the students seemed moderately engaged. One ASC didn't show up and Catherine didn't talk at all, but the other three that were there did a pretty good job, although next time I'd like to prep a bit more. Next week I'll be working with two of my favorite people, Rosalie and Kimdraogo, both of whom speak French, so I think a quick planning session would work really well before we begin, agreeing more clearly on the points we'd like to cover. Emily mentioned that one ASC at each CSPS is supposed to be responsible for malaria information and trainings, so I'll ask Major tomorrow if we have one. Saturday is a busy day – our first sensibilization on reproductive health for the CM2 (5th grade, ages 11-16) at Ecole A, then the Napuusam at the chief's palace, his annual party for the villages under his domain.

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